
Don’t Join The Takeout Crowd Pre-Thanksgiving

“The day before Thanksgiving means travel, traffic — and, for many families, takeout,” writes Food Network’s Sara Levine. “Cooking another meal the night before the impending feast isn’t high on many of our priority lists, which explains why the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is one of the biggest pizza nights of the year across the country.”

With so much cooking taking place in households across America on that 4th Thursday of November, the thought of pre-Thanksgiving cooking can be daunting. You’ve got a busy day tomorrow! But that’s where AdapTable Meals can come in and help.

Whether you’ve got the kids home from college, family in from out of town or it’s just you and your spouse, Wednesday night dinner can be quick, easy and delicious if you make it an AdapTable Meal. Here are three great meal ideas — devoid of turkey — for your pre-Thanksgiving dinner:

  1. Hearty and Healthy Steak Salad: Before you load up on carbs and tryptophan, try a steak salad using our Garlic Butter Boneless Beef Sirloin Steaks, paired with your favorite lettuce (maybe some butter lettuce to keep with the theme). In 15 minutes, your steak will be ready to slice (remember — cut diagonally across the grain!) and pop it on top of your lettuce and some veggies, and your meal is complete.
  2. Pork and Noodles: Pair our Skillet Ready Mushroom and Wine Boneless Diced Pork with some simple noodles and mushrooms, and your meal is ready to go. One of the greatest features of AdapTable Meals is how things are simplified. For our Boneless Diced Pork, it comes pre-seasoned, pre-cut and pre-trimmed. Plus, Mushroom and Wine seasoning pairs nicely with… some wine, which will calm the nerves before Thanksgiving Day!
  3. For Something Totally Different: We tried to imagine which recipe would pair the best as a complete inverse of the flavors of Thanksgiving coming the next day. For that, we present our Mongolian Inspired Skillet Ready Beef Strips, Rice and Veggie Bowl. Think ginger, soy sauce and star anise. The best part — the whole meal will take less than 15 minutes to prepare, leaving the rest of your time to chat with your family (or decompress before family time the next day).

Do you have any pre-Thanksgiving eating or cooking traditions? Let us know!